Books have been written, television features have been made, and there is a number of articles about Gjefsjøen and Operasjon Rype throughout the ages. Mostly in Norwegian. Feel free to tell us if there are more stories that should be added.

Honorable Men My Life in the CIA - Book by William Colby

Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA

8. August 2024

Book by William Colby, 1978 Thriftbooks descripbion of the book: “The first half of this candid and revealing memoir recounts the author’s career as a practitioner of covert action in World War II and afterward in Sweden, Italy and Vietnam. The operator’s limited viewpoint may seem to some to color his judgments, especially of South…

William Donovan at OSS Gjefsjøen

Donovan and Colby’s visit at Gjefsjøen and Plukkutjønnfjellet

8. August 2024

Seventy-five years ago, on August 7, 1949, General William Joseph Donovan, the founder of the Office of Strategic Services, visited the Gjefsjø Mountains. Together with the leader of Operation Rype, William Egan Colby, they unveiled the memorial to fallen soldiers at Plukkutjønn Mountain.

Operation Rype as a comic

5. July 2024

Did you know that the American magazine True Comics made a comic about Operation Rype? It is found in the December 1946 issue. Thanks to Lars Gyllenhaal for tipping us off about this!

Frode Lindgjerdet, Lars Gyllenhaal og Lars Bugge Aarset

Visit from Lars Gyllenhaal

6. April 2024

The Swedish war historian Lars Gyllenhaal has visited Trøndelag. He is writing an article for the Swedish newspaper “Hemvärnet” about Gjefsjøen Mountain Farm, OSS Gjefsjoen, and Task Force Rype HV-12. Gyllenhaal has written several books about Swedish military history, where he also writes about OSS special operations in Scandinavia. In May, Gyllenhaal will release the…

Among the Firsts: Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard L. Bolland's Unconventional War

Among the Firsts: Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard L. Bolland’s Unconventional War

30. March 2023

Book by Matthew T Bolland (2022) Update: In 2022 Matt Bolland published the book “Among the firsts” about his father Lt Col Gerhard L. Bolland – 82nd Airborne paratrooper on D-Day and senior OSS field operative in Operation Rype. We recently received the sad news that Matthew Bolland passed away on March 21’th 2023. The…


Sønstebø Prize 2023

9. January 2023

Gunnar Sønsteby’s life’s work was of a unique character. As a freedom fighter and community builder, he put in a formidable effort for the country in both times of peace and war. With a ballast of decorated courage and desire to live, he took every opportunity to be an advocate of the fundamental values of…

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Jens Stoltenberg is winner of the Sønsteby Prize 2023

12. December 2022

OSS Gjefsjøen congratulates NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the Sønsteby Prize 2022! In order to honor Gunnar Sønsteby’s life’s work, as well as contribute to passing on his important message, Gunnar Sønsteby’s Memorial Fund was established in 2013. As an important part of the memorial fund’s work, an annual prize is awarded in Gunnar…

Sommer på Gjefsjøen Fjellgård Foto Lars Bugge Aarset

Tour description for the hike along Gjefsjøstien around Plukkutjønnfjellet to Gjefsjøen Fjellgård

23. June 2022

On the Tourist Association DNT’s website you will find a tour description for the hike along Gjefsjøstien path around Plukkutjønnfjellet to Gjefsjøen Fjellgård.

Search for the missing container from Operasjon Rype

18. June 2022

The story goes that one of the containers that was dropped on March 24, 1945 went through the ice and is at the bottom of Gjevsjøen to this day. Alfred Anderson, Gjefsjøgubben, assigned a place to Oddvar Aasvoll during a rowing trip many, many years ago, and Oddvar in turn transferred the place name to…

Bolland Operasjon Rype adresseavisen-16-mai-1945

The grandfather built the Nordlandsbanen railroad, the grandson was to destroy it! New in this war: Paratroopers with skis.

16. May 2022

Article in Adresseavisen 16 May 1945 about Gerhard Bolland who participated in Operasjon Rype. Thanks to Hegge Gård and Museum of Defence – Rustkammeret for having this in the archive. (Caption: The star banner at the top! The paratroopers set up their neighborhood in Phoenix.) The American paratroopers who jumped into the Snåsafjellene on Palm…


Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France

7. May 2022

Documentary by Carl Colby The OSS Society’s award-winning short documentary about D-Day, “Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France”. A film by Carl Colby. Produced by Charles Pinck. You can also watch the film at this link:

Jobber med spillefilm om CIA-sjef Colbys krigsoppdrag

Working on feature film about CIA chief Colby’s war mission in Norway

4. May 2022

William E. Colby led the only American operation on Norwegian soil during the war. Now the story of it can become a movie. Article by Frank Cadamarteri, Adresseavisen (Translated from Norwegian) American and Norwegian soldiers parachuting into the darkness over occupied Norway. Aircraft that crashed. Sabotage actions and enemy German soldiers chasing the soldiers. It…

WW2 sabotage

Operasjon rype

In the last months of the war during spring 1945. Gjefsjøen Mountain Farm was a central location as part of the sabotage operation "Operasjon Rype". The saboteurs had their headquarter at the farm. Operasjon Rype's mission was to sabotage the railroad through Trøndelag and Snåsa. Today Home Guard's task force "Rype" is named after the operation.

Restoring of Operasjon Rype's headquarter

OSS Gjefsjøen

The building which was headquarter for Operation Rype was in bad shape after standing empty for years. OSS Gjefsjøen are now restoring the building. The association OSS Gjefsjøen will convey the story of Operasjon Rype which in the final phase of World War II operated from its base on Gjefsjøen mountain farm. The building will be restored in the original appearance from when Operasjon Rype was carried out.