Gjefsjøen offers accomodation, food and activities
Gjefsjøen mountain farm offers accommodation and rental of four cabins on the farm in addition to Kasttjønnhytta cabin which is located six kilometers west of the farm.
There are good opportunities for fishing in the area, both in Gjefsjøen itself and in several ponds and lakes in the surrounding area. We have boats for rent and offer boat transport from the Swedish side across Gjefsjøen. There are also good hunting opportunities, both for large game and small game.
The farm offers food service, it should be ordered in advance.
Visiting Gjefsjøen is a great trip in itself. There are a number of hiking opportunities in the area, ranging from shorter trips to visiting Gjefsjøen as part of walking all the way Norway along.
Food and drink
Gjefsjøen Fjellgård has the opportunity to serve tasty dishes based on local ingredients.
Hunting and fishing
Good conditions for outdoor life, hunting and fishing. In Gjevsjøen and the various mountain lakes around, there is good fishing for trout, char and grayling.
Watch Jens Kvernmo catching big trout Gjevsjøen
Jens Kvernmo from Ogndal is a norwegian hunter, outdoorsman and adventurer and author known from the television several TV-series. Jens has visited Snåsafjella a number of times. In the winter of 2015-2016 he lived for three months in Blåfjella-Skjækerfjella. He is probably one of those who know the Trøndelag wilderness best. Here you can watch Jens Kvernmo catching big fish at Gjevsjøen.
Boats for rent
Gjefsjøen mountain farm has several boats for rent
There are good conditions for hunting at Gjefsjøen. At Inatur you can buy hunting licenses for small game on the state property (statsalmenning) in Snåsa
Hiking trips
- Gjevsjøen på UT.no
- Gjefsjøstien trial Ismenningen
- From Lierne
- From Holderen
- From Sweden
- War memorial at Plukkutjønnfjellet
- Søndre og Nordre Gjevsjøhatt mountains
- Mountain farms in Snåsa
- Gjefsjøen mountain farm is a normal stop for tourists hiking all the way Norway along
Cayak or canoe
To paddle across the lakes Grønningen, Langvatnet, Rørsjøen, Gjevsjøen, Holderen, Skjelbreia and back to Grønningen can be done as a roundtrip over several days in cayak or canoe.
The nature is vulnerable
Pay attention to both reindeer, restraint and a fire ban. Especially in the national park, it is desirable that traffic is limited to established and marked trails for hiking.
Blåfjella-Skjækerfjella nasjonalpark
Blåfjella-Skjækerfjella (Southern Sami: Låarte-Skæhkere) National Park in Trøndelag is one of the largest national parks in Norway, with fantastic hiking terrain and many plant and animal species. This is Norway's 4th largest national park, located in the forest and mountain areas northeast of Trøndelag; to the Swedish border.